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  • Writer's pictureGuna Yala Explorer

Reopening Guna Yala Islands to International Travaleres in 14 AUGUST 2021- San Blas Islands Tours

Hello to all our digital visitors!

Perhaps you have visited our website to visit soon the beautiful San Blas Islands where we are from.

The islands of San Blas had been closed for tourism since March 2020 due to pandemic until May 2021, which our Gunas authorities decided to open to the public in different stages following all Biosafety measures, all the islands, boats, restaurants to the 50% of its capacity.

The Islands of San Blas had been closed for tourism since March 202

We will detail the stages of the opening

May 15 2021-exclusively for national tourists and residents, you must enter with a negative covid test or show your vaccination card. Only for Day Tour to a single place or island.

It is not allowed to go to other islands to visit or natural pools and exclusively on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

May 29, 2021- The next stage for that date was to add being able to sleep on the islands, also only on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only for nationals and residents. It is not allowed to move between islands, or visit additional islands.

June 12, 2021

The next stage was added to be able to visit the natural pools.

July 6, 2021

Open every day the Week National and Residents only

August 14, 2021

Open for International Travelers.

All stages with the following requirements.

1) Present your vaccination card and you must present a negative covid test.

3) Book with prior reservation to your travel agent or favorite tour operator to be on the list of the Reserve Entrance

4) Obligatory use of mask on the boat and in the car

5) We can only visit 1 island + Natural Pools ( We need to be sure availability and Ministerio de Salud Operating Permission) at the time of reservation we will notify what island we are going to visit.

Be sure to follow our networks, and Blog for more information.

We hope to return to normal soon, always following all Biosecurity, you can visit us from Day Tours, Stay in the various islands that we have such as Chichime Island, Wailidub Island, Yanis Island, Perro CHico Island, Diablo Island among others.

If in such case you cannot visit due to the restrictions and stages, we have as an alternative the tours to the Caribbean of Colòn located also 2 hours from the city of Panama with its turquoise waters and Spanish colonial history or the Embera Tribe located in Parque Nacional de Chagres.

For more information you can write us via whatsapp at +507 6912-7272

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